Friday, September 25, 2009

That's A Whole Lotta Sesame!

The weight of sesame seeds used on McDonald's Big Mac buns consumed in the U.S. each year...

....equals the weight of two Boeing 747 planes!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I Left My Heart in San Francisco

I had my last hurrah for this summer and took a quick vacay up to visit my old roommate/ dear friend in the bay area. I fell in love with everything about it- the crisp air, the view of majestic Mt. Diablo, the little bakeries and coffee shops, and the sea otters at Pier 39! The cities are teeming with hospitality career opportunities, and I am praying that God will use my new love and guide my inklings as the future unfolds!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Recently & Currently


Steven Madden boots. Cute, huh?

Prayer Answered:
Gained a new member in the family of Christ! God is SO good.

The past 2 weekends, which were packed full of fun and friends.

Weight lifting (girly-style). It's a whole new ball game for me.


Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. It is on the "Top 100 Books Every American Should Read" that BBC created. I am attempting to read all of them!

No sugar added mint chip ice cream. It is frighteningly addicting (as in almost 3 cartons were consumed this weekend), so be cautioned!

Praying for:
A mentor.

Reveling: the fact that I didn't leave my cooking skills in Italy! Check back soon for the scallop recipe that helped me boost my cooking ego.

Listening To:
Sean Kingston! No explanation necessary.