Monday, October 26, 2009

Exercise Your Right to Mangia!

Today is National Pasta Day!!!

As a tribute to our favorite carb-filled dish, fill up your plates with pasta today and enjoy the classic staple that dates back to the days of Marco Polo.

Buon Appetito!

A few of the many faces of our beloved pasta:




SO, go exercise your right to MANGIA (eat in Italian).

Friday, October 23, 2009


Several exciting pieces of news:

1. I won a prize for the first time in my life! I entered a contest, and I actually won! I feel like a little kid on Christmas morning!

2. The prize I won was.....(drumroll, please!!!!)

...A lovely, fall-inspired, handcrafted necklace created by the talented Heather Kent! Her jewelry is so creative and unlike anything you can find in stores, (and she's just so darn wonderful, too), so go check out her site:

You can commission her to do personalized pieces, and she finishes them quickly and they are darling! Perfect for Christmas presents :) I have a feeling they will be rising in popularity, so go get yours ASAP!

Monday, October 12, 2009

3 Top 3 Musts..

1. Greece.
2. New Zealand.
3. Panama.

1. It doesn't REALLY matter what everyone else thinks of me.
2. Facebook and Twitter are my heart's 2 greatest enemies.
3. It's okay to look girly on the weight machines at the gym.

1. Corn dogs.
2. Vodka tonics (I'm banking on my sister's recommendation).
3. Coffee without the creamer (okay so i've tried it- but i need to learn to love it!)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Shameless Plug for Quality Music!

This is my shameless plug for my dear friend, Sara Lindsay!
Go buy and listen to her CD, "The Songs" (You can buy it on, and it will be on Itunes soon).
She is a brilliant lyricist and her musical talents are way developed beyond the average 20 year old musician. She is great- so please support her!

*My CD player is on the repeat setting on "Morning Sickness".