Friday, April 1, 2011

The Revival of a Wine-O

I'm in a funk. Plain and simple.

Don't get me wrong, I have so many things in my life that make me jump for joy, like my upcoming wedding and my fantastic fiance, my awesome family, my great friends, and the list goes on....

But, it just feels like there is something missing. Those of you who know me are aware that my favorite thing in the world is wine. Learning about it, drinking it, gabbing about it, and even just day dreaming about it.

Last year was a year overflowing with wine. In the span of 7 months, I took my 1st and 2nd level sommelier exams, and you could say that most of my time was spent studying (and stressing!). I would study wine while brushing my teeth, in my car (only while sitting at stoplights), at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, while on dates with my boyfriend, and I'd pretty much gab to anyone who'd listen. This year has not been as wine-filled.

It has been a great year, but just not full of my favorite topic. To break this dry spell, I have jumped back on the wine bandwagon and signed up to take my Certified Specialist of Wine exam through the Society of Wine Educators. If I pass, I will be able to put "CSW" behind my name. Fancy, don't ya think?

I also have made a pact that I will blog about wine at least two times a week. I doubt that my blog will ever go viral, or that people around the country will be sending me samples and begging me to write about them, but at least this can be an outlet for me, and maybe provide some good information for my readers. I will be giving a weekly wine lesson, as well as recommendations for how you can get the best bang for your buck at the wine store.

So, if you are a wine-o, a wannabe wine-o, or just a regular old wine consumer, please check back weekly! I promise you won't be disappointed.

Cheers, Stacey


Jillian Jiggs said...

I love this! I definitely understand the funk situation. I think it comes during the first couple years out of school. I definitely have to find projects and things to keep me on my toes so i don't slip into funks. Right now, I took up knitting :)